Friday March 6, 2015 was the open house for Portland, Oregon’s Fire Station 21 named for former Commissioner Randy Leonard. Both he and Fire Chief Erin Janssens spoke about the successful bond measure that funded the station, and Station Captain Marty Getch and his great crew that man it. She also spoke about the great team that worked so hard to build the station, which I was fortunate to be a part of.
Also in attendance was current Commissioner Dan Saltzman, the team at Whelton Architecture Aaron Whelton, David Suttle, and Mollie Buhrt who designed such an amazing facility and were instrumental in helping me with my project. Connie Johnson the project manager with the City of Portland, David Dwyer with Skanska, the contractor, Ian Eikanas with KPFF the project engineer, were there, as well as Peggy Kendellen from the Regional Arts and Culture Council who was my teammate and ally through the process. Kurt Nordquist, of Davinci’s Workshop was also in attendance, who is my good friend and fabricator extraordinaire.